
The first information about the church in Bieruń dates back to the XVth century, particularly 1450. However, the name of the priest Bartholomew, who was a curate in Bieruń, was mentioned even earlier in 1441 in documents of the bishop's consistory of Cracow. He was probably the first priest in the newly built church in Bieruń, though at that time dependent on the parish-priest from Lędziny. In 1578-1628 the church in Bieruń was under the influence of the protestant church. Eventually, it was in 1645 when the parish in Bieruń became self-dependent.

In 1677 there was a fire that destroyed the whole church and the town. The reconstruction of the St. Bartholomew church began in 1680. But it was still a wooden church at that time. The next church built in Bieruń was made of stone and its roof was covered with shingle. In 1770 a tower of that new church was built and later, in 1776, they also built an aisle. Unfortunately, in 1845 in a few hours both the church and the town, full of wooden houses, burnt completely. Years later, the restored church was consecrated on 29th May in 1859. In 1948 the interior of the church was rebuilt and two new sacristies were added to it.

The public register

The birth certificates have been kept since 1818, marriage certificates since 1817 and the death certificates since 1824. The church chronicle has been written since 1791.




    • Towns that belong to the parish: Jajosty,Ściernie.


    • The number of inhabitants: 9,356 (9,200 of catholics).


    • The church fete: Sunday after the 24th August.


    • Holy Masses:

        • Saturdays and weekdays in the evening: in summer at 18:00; in winter 17:00

        • Sundays and holidays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30; 14:00; 17:00


St. Valentine church

There is also a historic wooden church of St. Valentine, the bishop and martyr, in Bieruń. It is a very famous and prominent place in the whole diocese and beyond its boundaries.

Zasady przetwarzania danych

Dotyczące danych z formularza wysyłanych ze strony.

Dane z powyższego formularza będą przetwarzane przez naszą firmę jedynie w celu odpowiedzi na kontakt w okresie niezbędnym na procedowanie przekazanej sprawy. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przetworzenia zapytania. Każda osoba posiada prawo dostępu do swoich danych, ich sprostowania i usunięcia oraz prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec niewłaściwego przetwarzania. W przypadku niezgodnego z prawem przetwarzania każdy posiada prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Administratorem danych osobowych jest Parafia św. Bartłomieja Apostoła, siedziba: Bieruń, Krakowska 3.